
也许这是对一些电视媒体如真人秀和有线电视新闻的正确评估,尽管所有电视节目都是不连贯和琐碎的全面评估是错误的。诚然,电视的目标之一就是娱乐,然而,千百年来一直存在的小说文学作品也是如此。是什么使得小说不是毫无条理、毫无价值的?在很大程度上,除新闻和体育节目外,电视只是屏幕上的文学作品。想想看,你可以把多少节目和电影写成一本书;事实上,许多最伟大的电视作品都源自书籍。例如,菲利普·k·迪克(Philip K. Dick) 1962年的小说《高堡奇人》(the Man in the High Castle)在2015年被亚马逊(Amazon)的流媒体服务改编为电视剧,它远非杂乱无章或琐碎。这部剧发生在1962年的另一个现实中,当时德国和日本赢得了第二次世界大战并征服了美国,胜利的轴心国在大纳粹帝国和日本的太平洋国家之间分裂了这个国家。这部剧不遗余力地展示了德国人和日本人在没有政治或个人自由、酷刑、即审即决、迫害少数民族等条件下的残暴行径,精彩地展示了美国人为生存而进行的斗争。它在观众的内心深处刺痛了他们,让他们想起了可能发生的事情,而法西斯主义的悲惨道路则通过唤起我们的情感来引导我们。当然,所有这些都是为了娱乐,然而这些信息都是营养的,积极的,甚至是教育的。潜在的信息是连贯的,从来都不是琐碎的:对我们生活的这个世界心怀感激,即使它存在很多问题。
Perhaps this is a correct assessment regarding some televised media like reality shows and cable news, though the blanket assessment that all television is incoherent and trivial is wrong. Sure it is true one of television's goals is to entertain, however so are literary works of fiction that have been around for millennia. What makes novels sold for profit not incoherent and trivial? For the most part, excluding programming like news and sports, television is just literature put on the screen. Think of how many shows and movies you could rewrite as a book; in fact, many of the greatest works of television originated from books. For example, the 1962 novel The Man in The High Castle by Philip K. Dick was adapted as a television drama by Amazon's streaming service in 2015, and it is far from being incoherent or trivial. The show takes place in alternate reality 1962, where the Germans and Japanese win World War Two and conquer the United States, with the victorious axis powers splitting up the country between the Greater Nazi Reich and the Japanese Pacific States. The show goes to great lengths to display the brutality of the Germans and Japanese people have come to expect with no political or personal freedoms, torture, summary executions, persecution of minorities, etc. brilliantly showing the struggle for everyday Americans to survive. It punches the viewer right in the gut reminding people of what could have been, and the harrowing path fascism leads us by drawing out our emotions. Sure all of it is done for entertainment, however the messages are nutritional, positive, and even educational. The underlying message is coherent and never trivial: be grateful for the world we live in, even with all it's problems.