澳大利亚Adelaide作业代写 飞行高度管理
Keywords:澳大利亚Adelaide作业代写 飞行高度管理

缺乏对飞机不断下降的能源状况的认识,也是与能源管理不善有关的空难统计数字的一个重要因素。这种缺乏意识的原因尚不清楚,需要更多的研究,但对这种现象发生的原因的推测和理论包括干扰、增加的工作量、自动飞行监控和警告。例如,上文提到的2009年土耳其航空公司(Turkish Airlines)飞机失事是由于高度传感器故障导致的,而高度传感器故障又导致飞机在进近过程中过早地改变了自动油门模式。事故发生的原因是,经验丰富的飞行员直到失速的那一刻才发现飞机的速度和高度在下降,当时已经来不及采取行动来改善情况,重新控制飞机。因此,我们可以观察到,在高压力和工作负荷的情况下,不恰当的人类决策和有缺陷的思维过程是导致飞机能量管理错误的一个非常重要的因素,而这可能会导致飞行事故或坠毁。飞机的能量水平似乎是在受到压力时容易被忽视或根本没有发现,飞行员检测飞机的不兼容的能源制度只有当为时已晚采取任何行动上重新控制飞机。分散注意力、不恰当的监控、不正确的滑翔路径角度、对飞机能量状态下降缺乏意识、或完全无法检测到它,这些都是导致最终结果的部分原因,而糟糕的能量管理可能会导致坠机。这就提出了一个问题,有没有可能设计出一种方法,让飞行员不断意识到自己的能量水平,以便在紧急情况下做出更好的判断?从人为因素的角度来看,任何改进驾驶舱布局或向飞行员提供信息的方式,使他所受的实际精神负荷减少,都是提高飞行员绩效的有效途径。
澳大利亚Adelaide作业代写 飞行高度管理
Lack of awareness of the degrading energy state of the aircraft is also an important contributor to the statistics relating to crashes linked to poor energy management. The reason for this lack of awareness is not clear and requires more research but speculations and theories as to why this phenomenon takes place include distractions, increased workload, and auto-flight monitoring and warning. For example, the 2009 Turkish Airlines crash mentioned above had occurred due to the failure of an altitude sensor which in its turn caused premature autothrottle mode changes during the approach. The accident happened due to the fact that the experienced pilots did not detect the decreasing airspeed and altitude until the very moment the stall occurred, when it was too late to act in order to amend the situation and regain control of the aircraft. Therefore, we can observe the fact that the improper human decisions and flawed thinking processes that occur during high stress and workload situations are a very important factor in the occurrence of incorrect energy management of the aircraft which then can lead to flight incidents or crashes. The energy level of the aircraft seems to be something that is either easily overlooked in times of stress or it is simply not detected, pilots detecting the incompatible energy regime of the aircraft only when it is too late to take up on any action to regain control of the aircraft. Distractions, improper monitoring, incorrect glide path angle, lack of awareness of the decreasing energy state of the aircraft or the total failure to detect it, all play a part in the end result which is poor energy management that can lead to crashes. This raises the question though, is it possible to devise a way of making the pilots constantly aware of their energy levels so that they make better judgements in cases of emergency? From the Human Factors point of view, any improvement in the cockpit layout or in the way information is presented to the pilot so that the actual mental workload that he is subject to decreases, is an effective way of improving the pilot`s performance.