
Barack Obama once said, "All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster." How much more evidence does the national public need to realize that global warming is here? This global phenomenon will affect every human being, and possibly destroy the earth. The New York Times editorial board recently published One Way or Another, in which the members agree that a bill is needed to enforce the rules on how factories and other fuel emitters must respond to decrease the number of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Scientists prove it that the planet is getting warmer every yearthe planet's temperature has increased by one degree Celsius. The government needs to pass a bill to prevent factories from producing a large amount of CO2, and the public also needs to take steps to stop global warming, such as using green power, and recycling.The main problem of global warming is the release of carbon dioxide, and other dangerous chemicals in to the atmosphere. These dangerous gases are released when we drive our cars and when factories burn fossil fuels for energy purposes, which will later release carbon dioxide in the air. The carbon dioxide and other gases will get absorbed by the Earth's blanket, and then re-radiated back to the planet. This process is called the greenhouse effect, and it helps regulate the earth's temperature. It is essential for the Earth, and it is one the Earth's natural processes. The only problem is when too much carbon dioxide and other toxic gases are released in to the atmosphere; the Earth's temperature could overheat, and cause many problems. (NCDC, 2009)