
殖民主义和基督教之间有着密切的联系。欧洲殖民列强中有许多人不仅大力发展新教,而且大力发展天主教。因为这些宗教是欧洲人接受的主要宗教。许多传教士通过传播宗教理想来影响生活在大陆东南地区的土著。然而,欧洲领导人将其作为达到目的的手段(Rettig, and Hack, 2005)。他们被鼓励从事传教工作,这样他们就可以发展殖民主义者进入并征服该地区的方式。传教士是殖民主义者的代理人。经济作物生产:经济活动引发欧洲征服东南亚是一个结果的模式,经济作物交易在内地。主导该地区的主要经济作物之一是水稻。当时东南亚的经济活动,特别是在第二次世界大战爆发之前,对欧洲人来说是势不可挡和有趣的。主要的经济作物之一是水稻。这是当时需求量很大的商品。在18世纪的大部分时间里,传统的农耕方法占主导地位,欧洲殖民者认为把现代化带到东南亚大陆是他们神圣的职责。
There is a close link between colonialism and Christianity. Many of the European colonial powers were placed significant effort towards the spreads of not only Protestantism but also Catholicism. It is because these religions were the main religion accepted by the Europeans. Many missionaries influenced the natives living in the mainland Southeast regions through the spread of the religious ideals. However, the European leaders used them as a means to an end (Rettig, and Hack, 2005). They were encouraged to engage in missionary work so that they can develop ways in which the colonialists can come in and conquer the region. The missionaries were agents to the colonialists. Cash crop production: The economic activities which initiated European conquest of the Southeast Asia were a result of the mode of cash crop being traded within the mainland. One of the main cash crops which dominated the region was rice. The economic activity present in Southeast Asia at the time, especially before the occurrence of the Second World War, was overwhelming and interesting to the Europeans. One of the major cash crops was rice. It was a commodity which was in high demand at the time. In as much as the 18th century was dominated by traditional farming methods, the conquering European settlers saw that it was their sacred duty to bring modernity into mainland Southeast Asia.