澳洲criminology assignment代写:性骚扰
Keywords:澳洲criminology assignment代写,cri

虽然性骚扰、性侵犯和家庭暴力有着不同的含义,但它们是相互联系的。第一个联系是因为这些犯罪发生在女性身上的频率高于男性。第二种联系发生在你犯罪的时候,你必须做好犯罪的准备。性骚扰、性侵犯和家庭暴力会导致犯罪者入狱。我相信这些都是我们社会中的包庇性犯罪,因为当它们发生时,很多案件都没有被报道。犯罪的受害者可能认为这是他或她的错,因为涉及酒精或毒品。有些犯罪没有被报道,因为他们是庭外和解的。当这些案件解决后,双方都不需要承认任何罪行。有些人可能希望向我们的政府寻求帮助,但在一些州,政府可能是问题的一部分。据一篇文章称,加州政府官员在受到不当行为指控时,用纳税人的钱来支付和解金。支付金额是在2015年至2017年的三年时间内编制的。总额不少于2 130万美元。一些支付最高的机构包括劳教和康复部,他们支付了1500万美元。加州大学的和解金额总计340万美元。该州还使用保险政策支付了和解金。这笔费用估计为400万美元。加州的立法者成为了问题的一部分,而不是解决方案的一部分。实际上,加州有一部名为《立法公开记录法》的法律。“这项法案并不要求公众了解他们的罪行。我的曾祖父母会认为这是狐狸看守鸡舍的情况。那些被选上的人,被指控性骚扰,然后对他们被指控的罪名进行调查。这对那些由加州纳税人支付工资的官员来说是一种保护。
Although sexual harassment, sexual assault and domestic violence have different meanings, they are connected. The first connection is because these crimes happen more often to women than men. The second connection occurs when you commit the crime, you must be prepared to do the time. Sexual harassment, sexual assault and domestic violence can result in the perpetrator going to jail.I believe these are shielded crimes in our society because when they happen, many cases are go unreported. The victim of the crime may believe it is his or her fault because alcohol or drugs were involved. Some of the crimes are unreported because they are settled out of court. When these cases are settled, neither side is required to admit any guilt.Some may desire to look to our government for assistance but in some states the government could be part of the problem. According to an article, California Government Officials Shielded from Sexual Misconduct Accountability at Taxpayers’ Expense” by Lawrence J. McQullian and Hayeon Carol Park, California’s government officials are using tax payer’s money to pay settlements when they are charged with misconduct. The payment amounts were compiled over a three year period ranging from 2015-2017. The total was not less than $21.3 million. Some of the agencies with the highest payouts included the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation which paid out $15 million dollars. The University of California settlements totaled $3.4 million. The State also paid settlements using insurance policies. This cost was estimated at $4 million. California legislators became a part of the problem instead of being part of the solution. California actually has a law known as the “Legislative Open Records Act.” This act does not require that the public be provided knowledge of their misdeeds. My great grandparents would consider this a case of the fox guarding the hen house. Those who had been elected, were accused of a harassment, and then conducted the investigation of the charge for which they have been accused of. This is some kind of shield for those officials who are paid by California taxpayers.
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