
恩佐十岁的时候,他的父亲带他和弟弟去看赛车比赛。恩佐完全被这个行动所激励。1918年,恩佐在都灵一家小公司做测试司机。在1919年恩佐为C.M.工作N在米兰,最初是作为一个测试车手,后来成为赛车手。1920年恩佐在塔戈·弗洛里奥获得第二名。这是一项为期20年的合作之路,这是法拉利驾驶赛车参加赛车比赛,最后被任命为阿尔法·科尔斯车队的负责人。法拉利在Modena的Viale Trento Trieste开了汽车Avio Costruzioni。9月13日,在老Scuderia Ferrari的同一个总部,菲亚特平台汽车Avio Costruzioni在1940年建造了2款法拉利815。1944年11月4日,工厂在第二次世界大战中被炸毁,但他们设法迅速重建了这座工厂。法拉利雄心勃勃地计划建造一个V12引擎,因此在1945年开始设计第一辆法拉利。法拉利(Scuderia Ferrari)赞助司机和制造赛车,但在1946年,它开始生产街头法律车辆,作为法拉利。悉尼论文代写:赛车比赛 1956年,法拉利成为有限责任公司。专业的工业和工艺培训机构是在Maranello建立的,它为公司提供了专门的技术人员直到今天。1965年,法拉利与菲亚特集团签署了一项协议,将其在菲亚特集团的50%股份给菲亚特集团,以发展成为一家强大的公司。
When Enzo was ten year old, his father had taken him and his brother to watch motor racing circuit. Enzo was completely motivated by this action. In 1918 Enzo works as a test driver for a small company in Turin. In 1919 Enzo works for C.M.N in Milan, Initially as a test driver and later on as a racing driver. In 1920 Enzo finishes second in the Targo Florio. This lead the gateway for a 20 year collaboration with marquee that saw Ferrari do test driving to racing, and finally appointed head of racing division for Alfa Corse. Ferrari opens Auto Avio Costruzioni on Viale Trento Trieste in Modena. On September 13th, at the same headquarters of the old Scuderia Ferrari, Fiat platform Auto Avio Costruzioni builds 2 versions of Ferrari 815 in the year 1940. The factory was bombed in the world war on November 4th 1944, but they managed to rebuilt it quickly. Ferrari had an ambitious plan to build a V12 engine, and thus started designing the first Ferrari in 1945. Scuderia Ferrari sponsored drivers and manufactured race cars, but in 1946, it moved into the production of street legal vehicles, as Ferrari. In 1956 Ferrari turns into a Limited Liability Company. The professional industry and artisanship training institute was built in Maranello, which provides the company with special technicians even till today. In 1965 Ferrari signs an agreement with Fiat Group giving 50% of its share in the company to Fiat group in order to grow into a powerful company.