
Many business analysts and researchers pointed out that South-East Asia consumer market will steadily replace the Europe and North America to become the world largest economic center because of its huge market capacity potential and resource advantage (Degen, 2011). Moreover, in the traditional culture of many South-East Asia countries such as China, Singapore, Japan, and South Korea, food is conserved one of the most important aspects. Accordingly, visiting restaurant is a popular activity for the consumers in South-East Asia area (Degen, 2011). Therefore, continuous improving the operational and marketing performance is the most important management consideration for restaurants in South-East Asia to gain strong competitive advantage against competitors. Integrating the benefits of social media marketing and the needs of marketing performance improvement in South-East Asia restaurant industry, better understanding the role of social media marketing in South-East Asia restaurant market becomes a critical success factor for international catering organizations entering into South-East Asia restaurant consumer market in order to capturing the great market opportunity in South-East Asia consumer market to achieve market expansion and business growth, and a key indicator for existed catering organizations in South-East Asia to gain distinctive and strong competitive advantage against competitors