
社会的主要需要是在激烈的竞争环境中生存,而提供在这种环境中生存的机制和技能的教育体系是受欢迎的。公立学校也提供这样的技能,那些认为这种教育方式是由于民众需求变化而出现的人是错误的。学校教育制度已经发展到商业组织在学校中出现的程度,这一点从教材上的商业广告就可以看出。基于这一理念,教育服务被视为一个商业机会。弗里德曼认为,教育市场化是由于教育自由流动的需要而产生的。弗里德曼指出,教育领域的市场化、自由化和私有化相结合,确保了世界的发展繁荣与合作,因为信息是自由共享的。没有教育的市场化,Friedman认为政府机构可以干预信息自由流动的过程(Friedman, 2003;贝茨,2011)。Lauder(2006)反对这种教育体制,认为教育市场化是对经济思想的一种指导思想的替代。
The main needs of the society are survival in a fierce competitive environment, and an education system that offers mechanisms and skills to survive in such an environment is welcome. Government schools also offer such skills and those who argue that this style of education emerged due to changes in the needs of the populace are misguided.The schooling system has evolved to an extent that business organizations make a commercial presence in schools, and this is evidenced by the commercial advertisements on teaching materials. On this notion, educative services are seen as a business opportunity.To Friedman, marketization of education arose due to the need of allowing free flow of education. Friedman notes that the combination of marketization, liberalization and privatization in the education sector ensures that the development prosperity and cooperation is achieved in the world, because information is shared freely.Without marketization of education, Friedman argues that government institutions can interfere with the process of free flow of information (Friedman, 2003; Bates, 2011). Lauder (2006), argues against this system of education and maintains that marketization of education is a replacement of instructive thoughts to economic thoughts.