
简要介绍了历史教学助理的角色变化。由于政府在2003年提出了改变学校内部人员结构的倡议,近年来,助教的角色发生了巨大的变化(Pugh, J. 2007),并已导致大量关于这些变化对儿童学习的有效性的出版物和研究。从历史上看,教学助理或辅助人员(他们以前有时被称为辅助人员)是没有教学经验的成年人,他们帮助合格的教师进行日常的准备和管理工作,并向儿童提供照顾。(克莱顿,1993年)然而,1998年,《地方政府纪事报》发表了一份《绿皮书》的摘要(1998年),其中概述了增加雇用辅助人员的建议(到2002年增加2万名),以便为教师提供更多的支持。总结还宣布政府的建议”更有效利用,更好的培训,教学助理和其他学校后勤人员”,以及后续OfSTED审查(2002 a, p6)宣布需要培训,“匹配任何拟议的结构条件,促进职业发展。因此,当助教就成了一种职业,由此引发了关于助教角色的真正争论。
A brief history into the changing role of the teaching assistant. Due to the governments 2003 initiative to change the staffing structure within schools, the role of the Teaching Assistant has changed significantly in recent years (Pugh, J. 2007) and has, in turn, led to numerous publications and studies concerning the effectiveness of these changes on children’s learning. Historically, teaching assistants, or auxiliaries as they were sometimes formerly known, were non teaching adults who helped qualified teachers by carrying out day to day preparatory and administrative tasks and providing pastoral care to children. (Clayton. 1993) However, in 1998, the Local Government Chronicle published a summary of a Green Paper, (1998), in which they outlined proposals for employing a greater number of support staff – 20,000 by the year 2002 – in order to provide more support for teachers. The summary also announced the government’s suggestions for a “more effective use of, and better training for, teaching assistants and other school support staff” which, along with a subsequent OfSTED review (2002a, p6) declared the need for training that would, “match any proposed structure of qualifications and to facilitate career progression.” Working as a teaching assistant thus became a career and so began the real debate about the role of the teaching assistant.