悉尼护理assignment代写 终身学习
Keywords:悉尼护理assignment代写 终身学习

在这篇文章中,它将讨论如何终身学习和使用循证实践的能力作为一个护士是必不可少的专业发展。我将重点讲解有助于终身学习的学习方式和理论。同样,我将讨论作为学生护士发展情商的重要性。此外,我还将强调使用循证实践的能力对我作为一名护士的专业发展有帮助。RCN(2016)指出,终身学习可以定义为贯穿职业生涯和个人生活的持续学习。根据这个定义,我的理解是,每天都有新的信息被发现,我们必须不断拓宽我们的知识,跟上进一步的信息,作为护士,NMC(2015)。随着政策和法规的不断变化,作为学生和注册护士,跟上社会的不断变化至关重要。终生学习很重要,因为药物治疗中的错误仍在发生,Treiber & Jones(2018)。此外,该规范(NMC 2015)规定,作为护士重新验证的一部分,护士必须记录在实践中对工作的反思;护士必须写五篇反思报告,反思基于实践的实践和反馈,并与同事进行反思讨论和活动。尽管如此,RCN(2016)也讨论了反思帮助护士思考、计划并为患者/客户提供更高质量和安全的护理。然而,Laal & Laal(2012)指出,由于个人可能缺乏继续学习的动机和时间,或者可能没有现成的学习机会,终身学习存在许多障碍。尽管如此,我相信大多数障碍都是可以克服的,终生学习是可以实现的。
悉尼护理assignment代写 终身学习
In this essay, it will be discussed how lifelong learning and the ability to use evidence-based practice as a nurse is essential to develop professionally. I will be focussing on learning styles and theories that can help with lifelong learning. Likewise, I will discuss the importance of developing emotional intelligence as a student nurse. Additionally, I will be addressing the concern of the ability to use evidence-based practice is to enable my professional development as a nurse.RCN (2016) states that lifelong learning can be defined as continually learning throughout our career and personal lives. What I understand by this definition is that there is always new information being discovered every day and it is essential to keep broadening our knowledge and keep up to date with further said information as nurses, NMC (2015). As policies and regulations are continually changing, it is vital to keep up with these constant changes in society as student and registered nurses. Lifelong learning is important because errors in medication are still happening, Treiber & Jones (2018). Furthermore, The Code (NMC 2015) states as part of nurses’ revalidation, nurses must record reflections of work in practice; nurses must write five reflective accounts, reflect on practice-based practice and feedback, and engage in reflective discussions and activities with colleagues. Although, RCN (2016) also discussed reflection helps nurses to think about, plan and deliver a higher quality of care and safe care to patients/clients. However, Laal & Laal (2012) states there are many barriers to lifelong learning as individuals may lack motivation and time for continuing learning or may not have learning opportunities readily available for them. Nonetheless, I believe that most barriers can be overcome, and lifelong learning can be achieved.