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澳洲 悉尼Assignment代写 教育水平

Keywords:澳洲 悉尼Assignment代写 教育水平

有许多因素要考虑的不仅仅是教育水平,但是根据这篇文章,“性别收入差距和教育的作用,“有四个主要因素影响性别收入差距:选择大学专业,技能以标准化测试来衡量,教育,和选择性的大学就读。在考虑这些因素时,重要的是要记住,许多大学专业仍然存在种族隔离(博比特- zeher)。与男性相比,女性往往更倾向于选择收入相对较低的专业,比如儿童教育和人文学科。2000-2001年,女性获得了20%的工程学位和77%的教育学位(博比特-泽赫)。从标准化测试所衡量的技能来看,研究表明,自20世纪70年代以来,在STEM相关专业中拥有更高的能力和分数就预示着未来会有更高的薪水。男生在这些标准化考试中占主导地位,但男女之间的差距正在缩小。一项研究发现,拥有最高数学能力的男性和女性之间的工资差距消失了。大学的选择在就业机会中也扮演着重要的角色,通常学校越有声望,未来期望的薪水就越高。研究表明,更有名望、更挑剔的大学不太可能提供通常由女性主导的学位,比如儿童教育,所以根据女性的专业选择,她可能会选择一个不那么挑剔的学校。
澳洲 悉尼Assignment代写 教育水平
There are many factors to consider beyond just level of education, but according to the article, “The Gender Income Gap and the Role of Education,” there are four major factors that impact the gender income gap: choice of college major, skills measured by standardized tests, amount of education, and selectivity of the college attended. When considering these factors, it is important to remember that many college majors still show segregation (Bobbitt-Zeher). Women are often much more likely than men to major in fields that are less rewarded with higher incomes like childhood education and the humanities. In 2000-2001, women earned 20 percent of engineering degrees and 77 percent of education degrees (Bobbitt-Zeher).When looking at skills measured by standardized tests, research has suggested that since the 1970’s, higher abilities and scores in STEM related majors have been predictive of higher future salaries. Male students have been dominant on these standardized tests, but the disparities between men and women are shrinking. One study found that the wage gap disappears between men and women with the highest math skills (Bobbitt-Zeher).College selection can also play an important role in job opportunities, often the more prestigious the institution, the higher salaries expected in the future. Studies show that more prestigious and selective universities are less likely to offer degrees that are typically female dominated like childhood education, so depending on a female’s major choice, she may attend a less selective institution.

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