澳洲悉尼assignment代写 教育系统
Keywords:澳洲悉尼assignment代写 教育系统

包容是一个在整个教育系统中经常使用的术语,可以简单地定义为被包容。Booth和Ainscow(2011)将包容定义为对所有学生一视同仁。包容能让有或没有特殊教育需求和残疾的学生在主流学校一起学习。全纳教育是一个正在发展的概念。Booth和Ainscow(2002)认为,虽然全纳教育通常被理解为普通学校对残疾儿童的教育,但它是一个更广泛的概念。他们指出,全纳教育是指一种制度,消除学校教育和教育的各个方面的排斥,确保学术成就和在生活中进一步发展。《教育法案》(2011年)坚持认为,学生的成绩不能受到性别、种族、残疾、社会阶层或其他与能力无关的障碍的影响。克服这些潜在的教育障碍证明了有效的包容性做法。教育在全球发展中至关重要,教育不仅使儿童受益,而且使他们的家庭、社区和国家受益。国际发展部(摘自迈尔斯和辛格尔,2010:3)认为,教育改善就业前景,促进健康和较不发达国家的良好教育水平,并可在国家重建中发挥作用。Tomasevski(引自Miles & Singal, 2010:3)和国际劳工组织(2002)指出,教育有助于消除一些国家的童工现象。
澳洲悉尼assignment代写 教育系统
Inclusion is a term frequently used throughout the education system and can be defined simply as being included. Booth and Ainscow (2011) define inclusion as valuing all students equally. Inclusion enables pupils with or without any special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to learn together in mainstream schools Inclusive education is a developing concept. Booth and Ainscow (2002) argue that whilst inclusive education is generally understood as the education of children with disabilities in regular schools, it is a much broader concept. They state that inclusive education refers to a system that removes exclusion from all aspects of schooling and education which ensures academic achievement and progression further in life.The Education Act (2011) insists that it is unacceptable for pupil’s attainment to be affected by gender, race, disability and social class or any other barrier unrelated to ability. Overcoming these potential barriers to education demonstrates effective inclusive practice. Education is vital in global developments and not only does education benefit children, but also their families, communities and countries. The Department for International Development (n.d. cited in Miles and Singal, 2010: 3) believe that education improves job prospects, promotes health and a good standard of education in less developed countries and could play part in a national reconstruction. Tomasevski (cited in Miles & Singal, 2010:3) and The International Labour Organization (2002) state that education has helped eliminate child labour in some countries.
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