
难能可贵的课堂管理取决于座位安排,因此座位安排不应发生永久性的改变。”教师不仅要考虑教室的布置,还要考虑学生的性格。【/ _private / pwfsaftr .htm ]安排在室内物理环境的学生,教学和学习可以有效地尽可能的考虑。然而,要实现课堂良好的师德,教师应在小学、中学或高等教育层次上,对学生的教育水平进行反思,然后对学生的课堂教学负责。取决于教育水平,学生肯定会表现出不同程度的成熟和在课堂上如何表现自己,因此老师应该决定学生坐在教室里的原因。应考虑容纳座位安排在课堂是课堂的大小的因素,这对学生是目前的位置,一个教师的观众的年龄组,考虑到学生的立场可能会影响他们的成绩,远视和近视的学生和有效的沟通,在课堂和这个班的学生起着重要的作用,当来到教室管理的大小。这句话支持我的论点”的学科,课堂管理,课堂管理-不论你如何称呼它,在维持课堂秩序是教师最为关心的问题。”(Singh博士第13页)。这是教师在中小学环境中决定学生座位安排的原因之一。”老师应该知道,在个人的基础上每个学生(即名称、利益、实力、弱点等)”(Jacob Kounin 1977)。老师知道他们的学生和他们的行为模式,老师应该马上知道那个学生应该坐在哪里。在每一个教室里,老师都会发现学生的不同特点,如特别注意,健谈,好奇,学习迟缓,最后一点,尤其是那些缺乏纪律的学生。那些缺乏纪律,容易让别人因此教师应保持警惕,接近他们尽快显示任何类型的任性或disgracious行为。通过塑造学生从这个阶段,他们会更了解他们应该如何在课堂上的行为。
Estimable classroom management depends on the seating arrangements therefore seating arrangement should not be permanently changed. "Not only do the teachers need to consider the physical arrangement of the room but also the nature of the students involved". [../_private/pwfsaftr.htm] the considerations in arranging the students in the physical environment of the room are so that teaching and learning can occur efficiently as possible. However, to achieve classroom good ethics teachers should reflect on their student's level of education whether it is at the primary level, secondary level or tertiary level then to make a decision if they are to take charge as to where their students sit in the classroom. Depending on the level of education, students would definitely portray a different level of maturity and how to conduct themselves in the classroom hence the reason why teachers should dictate where students sit in a classroom. Factors that should be considered when accommodating seating arrangements in a classroom are the size of the classroom, the location in which the students are at present, the age group of a teacher's audience, considering where students adopt a position may affect their grade, long sighted and short sighted students and effective communication.The size of a classroom and the students in the class plays a major role when coming to classroom management. This quote supports my argument "Discipline, class control, classroom management- by whatever name you call it, keeping order in the classroom is the teacher's greatest concern."(Dr. Singh p.13). This is one of many reasons why teachers should determine the seating arrangements of their students in the primary and secondary school environment. "The teacher should know each student on a personal basis (i.e. name, interests, strength, weaknesses, etc.)" (Jacob Kounin 1977). Knowing their students inside out and their behavioural patterns, the teacher should know at once where that student should be seated. In every classroom, a teacher will always discover different characteristics of students such as the special attention, talkative, inquisitive, slow learners and last but not least those who lack discipline. Those who lack discipline tend to distract others therefore the teacher should keep a watchful eye out and approach them as soon as they display any type of unruliness or disgracious behaviour. By moulding students from this stage, they would be more knowledgeable as to how they should behave within a classroom.