
多动症是一个医学诊断给那些发育的孩子,行为和认知困难比同龄人(Spohrer与麦2003,p. 1)。史波尔和麦克明继续状态用来确定ADHD–疾病10国际分类与诊断统计手册IV诊断标准(1页)。然而这掩饰什么可以在现实中缺乏一致性评价的实践”…(劳埃德等人。2006,8页)这不仅涉及不同的利益相关者(父母,老师,该观点,支持机构[ 3 ]等),缺乏对多动症的检测特异性,而且特有的程序,个人组织和员工的程序。也许,在这个特殊的问题的核心在于纳入自己的道德,如那些由O'Regan(2005)涉及让所有学生提供发挥自己的潜力”(33页),并为学校考虑到当今学生的需求的必要性。在现实中,评估和干预策略的颜色产生的组织和个人应用他们以及官方政策。因此下面的训练计划强调整体性、个性化的方式与沟通的核心。如上所述,列入主流设置越来越立法。指导和官方政策,如森实践守则(2000)和教育法(1996,秒)。316a)要求学校制定和适用于有特殊需要的学生融合策略。
ADHD is ‘a medical diagnosis given to children who have developmental, behavioural and cognitive difficulties compared to their peers’ (Spohrer & McMinn 2003, p. 1). Spohrer and McMinn continue to state the two diagnostic criteria used to determine ADHD – the International Classification of Diseases 10 and the Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV (p. 1). However this belies what can be in reality a lack of ‘...consistency of assessment’ practice (Lloyd et al. 2006, p. 8) which relates not only to the various stakeholders perspectives (parents, teachers, SENCO’s, support agencies[3] etc) and to a lack of specificity in ADHD testing, but also to the endemic procedures of individual organisations and staff procedures. It may be that at the heart of this particular issue lies the ethics of inclusion themselves, such as those defined by O’Regan (2005) which involve making provision for all students to ‘reach their potential’ (p. 33), and the necessity for schools to take into account the needs of today’s students. In reality, assessment and intervention strategies are coloured by the organisation that generates them and by the individuals that apply them as well as by official policy. Therefore the following training plan puts an emphasis on a holistic, individualised approach with communication at its core. As mentioned, inclusion in mainstream settings is increasingly legislated. Guidance and official policy, such as the SEN Code of Practice (2000) and Education Act (1996, Sec. 316A) requires schools to formulate and apply inclusive strategies for students with special needs.