澳洲宗教学作业代写 奥康纳的圣经
Keywords:澳洲宗教学作业代写 奥康纳的圣经

如果从奥康纳的圣经中读到这个故事,就能更好地理解它。自从她不忠实的读者不知道耶稣的死使任何差异,奥康纳显示孩子的悲剧毁灭我们的时间参与死亡赋予生命的新鲜感和Schenck发现只有奥康纳的信仰天主教教义的纯真的孩子,“可以把这个故事变成一个拯救,相信肯定不是由所有读者共享。信徒”(Zornado 6)甚至可能会质疑哈利的清白……他像大多数奥康纳人物…”欺骗自己通过创建一个新的身份基于一个错误的理解语言”(Zornado 8)。当批评者同情奥康纳的阅读她的工作方法的这些故事,他们声称的意象是直接代表积极的象征,在一种神秘的精神再生,基督的救赎力量的奥秘。然而,正如奥康纳所知道的,文本中使用的仪式意象和宗教符号系统并没有也不能体现圣礼。洗礼的文学表现是外在的文学符号,外在的仪式符号意味着体现恩典无形的内在运作。这意味着:读者对奥康纳试图“记录”洗礼的体验,就像进入一个有镜子的大厅。(Zornado 9)哪个是真实的,哪个是拟像?洗礼是在肉体中经历的,仪式本身一旦脱离了人的感官,它作为一种可见的仪式存在意味着传达无形的东西。哈利得到了信仰的恩典,也得到了他想变得干净、重新开始的愿望。
澳洲宗教学作业代写 奥康纳的圣经
is best understood if approached from O’Connor’s scriptural reading of the story. Since her faithless readers would not know that Jesus’ death makes any difference, O’Connor shows how the tragic destruction of a child of our time participates in a death that bestows the newness of life and Schenck finds that only O’Connor’s belief in the Catholic doctrine of the innocence of children, “can turn this story into one of salvation, and that belief is surely not shared by all readers.” (Zornado 6) Even believers might question Harry’s innocence … he resembles most O’Connor characters who … “dupe themselves by creating a new identity based on a false understanding of language” (Zornado 8). When critics sympathetic to O’Connor’s own reading of her work approach these stories, they have claimed that the ceremonial imagery operates as positive signifiers that directly represent, in a mysterious form of spiritual regeneration, the mysteries of the redemptive power of Christ. However, as O’Connor well knew, the ceremonial imagery, the religious sign systems employed in the text do not and cannot embody the sacraments. The literary representation of baptism functions as an outward literary sign of an outward ceremonial sign meant to embody the invisible inward workings of grace. What this means is this: The reader’s experience of O’Connor’s attempt to “document” baptism, “is not unlike entering a hall of mirrors.” (Zornado 9) Which is the real one and which the simulacrum? Baptism is experienced in the flesh, the ritual proper is nevertheless once removed from one’s own senses because it exists as a visible ritual meant to communicate invisible things. Harry received grace by faith and his desire to be clean and start anew.