澳洲墨尔本assignment代写 幼儿教育

澳洲墨尔本assignment代写 幼儿教育
After this issue was addressed countries and organizations began to take preventative measures to overcome the challenges of education and the accessibility to children worldwide, as it proves to be a threat to children; putting their lives at risk.Child labour is prominent in Afghanistan, children do hard labour with the rewards of very little pay. The outcome of working long hours is leaving school at an early age, which is why only half of child labourers in Afghanistan attend school. The extreme poverty of Afghan families drives many children into hazardous labour.[14] Landlessness, illiteracy, high unemployment, continuing armed conflict in much of the country.[15] Ways to help end poverty in developing countries such as Afghanistan is to work with the youth and allocate funds towards social protection of children; by providing education, health services, and legal advice. Although the United Nations has accepted and recognized this issue the education sector in Afghanistan continues to face obstacles, such as an inflation of students out of school (most of them are females, youth in unsafe regions, children with disabilities, or other minorities). There continues to be a lack of primary education provided due to the poorly educated teachers and little resources.[16] The next steps for Afghanistan to maintain a higher level of children attending school consist of expansion of children enrolled in rural regions, making sure children have quality resources and increasing the effectiveness of the Ministry of Education. Afghanistan has been making improvements since 2009. On November 26, 2018, “The Global Partnership for Education allocated US $209.4 million towards Afghanistan, Myanmar, and South Sudan.”[17] To help Afghanistan improve their level of education, they will be granted “US $100 million over the course of 5 years to help underprivileged citizens residing in low-income areas to have access to higher quality education.”[18] Funding will be used to improve the structure of schools and acquire better-trained professionals. This is a change that will be prominent in the education sector when Afghanistan implements the new plan for education and the utilizes the funds provided by the Global Partnership for Education.