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这是一个真理,那些违反刑事处罚(民事)法律状态是控制犯罪的一种手段。这是一个不言而喻的命题,如果国家锁定尽可能多的罪犯,犯罪率会下降,因为很少有人犯这样的罪行有机会这样做。有,当然,其他国家的惩罚比监禁刑,并最终控制犯罪的目的。社区服刑,实现一线突出在最近几周,当首席大法官呼吁更多的人来减轻监狱的可用性的危机,也旨在控制犯罪。康复是国家刑罚控制犯罪的又一手段。国家刑罚的其他功能呢?为了评估这些,他们必须首先确定。 国家惩罚之所以如此引起争议的一个原因是它的不可预测性。当一个人认为哲学著作的惩罚早期和现代理论家(其中福柯和马克思),很少有人预测最近的事态发展。有评论称“刑罚福利主义”,基于上世纪的刑罚制度的发展,已经从根本上背离了自上世纪70年代。换句话说,国家刑罚的目的和目标已经改变,在不可预知的方向发展。


It is a truism that state punishment of those in breach of criminal (and civil) laws is a means of controlling crime. It is a self-evident proposition that if the state locks up as many offenders as possible, crime rates will fall as there are fewer inclined to commit such crimes with the opportunity to do so. There are, of course, state punishments other than custodial sentences, which also aim, ultimately, to control crime. Community sentences, which achieved front-line prominence in recent weeks when the Lord Chief Justice called for more of them to assuage the impending crisis of prison cell availability, also aim to control crime. Rehabilitation is another means by which state punishment aims to control crime. What about the other functions of state punishment? In order to assess these, they must first be identified.
One reason state punishment has become so controversial is because of its unpredictability. When one considers the philosophical writings on punishment of early and modern theorists (amongst them Foucault and Marx), few of them predict recent developments. What commentators have labeled ‘penal welfarism’, based on penal institutional developments of the last century, has been radically departed from since the 1970s. In other words, the aims and goals of state punishment have changed and developed in unpredictable directions.

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