
卧龙岗大学代写assignment:SA和SS.在SA和SS的禁令立即解除,和Reichstag被称为新的选举在七月解散。德国街头立即爆发暴力事件。纳粹的红衫军开始在街头竞选,恐吓政敌。暴力在血腥星期日达到高潮。纳粹分子走进汉堡附近的一个共产主义地区,犯下了可怕的暴力行为。最终,19人死亡,300人受伤。 在七月举行的纳粹党获得37左右的选票,成为议会最大的群体进行选举。随之而来的是希特勒和他之间的联盟破裂,希特勒用他的成功要求总理船和更大的权力,要求阻止他。在九月,这导致纳粹失去200万的投票进行选举,但结果是不确定的,在十一月,巴本辞职,无法形成一个可行的联盟。
The ban on the SA and SS was immediately lifted, and the Reichstag was dissolved with new elections called for in July. Immediately violence erupted on the streets of Germany. Nazi brown shirts began campaigning on the streets, and intimidating political opponents. This violence culminated in Bloody Sunday. Nazis walked into a communist area near Hamburg and committed terrible acts of violence. Eventually, 19 were killed and 300 were injured.
Further elections were held in July in which the Nazis got 37 per cent of the vote and became the largest group in the Reichstag. What followed was a breakdown in the alliance between Hitler and Schleicher as Hitler used his success to demand the Chancellor ship and greater powers, a demand blocked by Schleicher. Further elections were held in September which led to the Nazis loosing 2 million votes, but the results were inconclusive and in November, Papen resigned, unable to form a workable coalition.