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是什么使男性和女性如此不同?是什么让男人想用丰富的亵渎和在每一个机会展示自己的男子气概(卡梅伦,1997)?为什么女人似乎如此紧密的人,和在那里的时候,问几个问题(Carli,1990)?这些都是慢慢被发现的老问题。幸运的是,经过广泛的实证研究,随着时间的推移,研究人员能够提供深入了解男性和女性的特质。尽管关于男性女性会话风格的所有问题尚未找到答案,但研究者们努力使相关和结论能够合理地应用到性别相关的对话中。为了更好的理解这个话题的复杂性,在男性的舞台上回顾当前的研究是至关重要的,女性的谈话。在这本书中我们要谈一谈,由医生Samuel Shem和珍妮特萨里(1998),作者构建的基础,帮助你理解为什么男性和女性有如此独特的会话款式。根据闪和萨里,这些差异不面在以后的生活中,而是植根于孩子在一个非常年轻的年龄。早在两到三岁的时候,男性就不再像婴儿那样受养了。随着他们的成长,他们观察到关系的相互作用被创造和持续的女性,但是,男性劝阻与他人从事同样的方式。相反,女性被教导要无私,并提供培养和照顾他人。一旦他们进入青春期,然而,他们之间的切换作为一个无私的,体贴的个人和他们目前的需要,成为独立和满足自己的需要。因此,作为成年人,人们没有准备好在交谈中没有感觉不足或尴尬的互动。正是在这段时间里,他们测试不同的风格,以了解什么在谈话和什么不。不仅是有关性别的困难,但进一步,了解断开的谎言。
What is it that makes males and females so different? What is it that makes males want to use profuse profanity and show their machismo at every opportunity (Cameron, 1997)? Why do women seem to sit so closely to others, and while there, ask several questions (Carli, 1990)? These are age old questions that are slowly being uncovered. Fortunately, after conducting extensive empirical research over time, investigators are able to provide insight into the idiosyncrasies of males and females. Although answers have not been found for all the questions around male-female conversational styles, researchers have strived to make correlations and conclusions that can be reasonably applied to gender related conversation. In order to better understand the complexity of this topic, it is vital to review current research in the arena of males, females and conversation.In the book We Have to Talk, by Doctors Samuel Shem and Janet Surrey (1998), the authors build the foundation that assists one in understanding why males and females have such distinct conversational styles. According to Shem and Surrey, these differences do not surface later in life, but rather are engrained in children at a very young age. As early as two to three years of age, males are no longer nurtured as they were when they were infants. As they grow, they observe relational interactions being created and sustained by females; however, males are discouraged from engaging with others in this same way. On the contrary, females are taught to be selfless and provide nurture and care to others. Once they reach adolescence, however, they toggle between their upbringing as a, selfless, considerate individual and their current need to become independent and fulfill their own needs. Thus, as adults, people are ill-prepared to interact in conversation without feeling inadequate or awkward. It is during this time that they test different styles to understand what works well in conversation and what does not. Not only is the difficulty in relating to the gender, but further, understanding where the disconnect lies.

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