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第2章集中于南非幼儿发展的历史和政治背景,发现不同年级的教师具有不同的培训经历。这影响了他们执行算术。第3章深入描述了自1998以来教师必须实施的课程政策的制定与实施。再次,教师的实践之后,不得不在他们的教室实现算术做出重大的范式转变。随着拟议的介绍,另一个课程的变化,上限(南非)。Dobe,2010f)2011,基础阶段的教师,包括R级教师和医生,需要做另一个思想转变以课堂实施的计算。然而,报告的任务小组的审查国家课程声明的执行情况(南非)。美国能源部,2009)警告说,如果教师没有明确的课程政策和课程实施应如何理解,它不能指望教师实施这样的课程。然而,我们必须认识到,变化的丰富性让许多老师迷惑不解,我们最近的课程史在相对较短的时间内受到了根本性的改变。结果是高水平的混乱之间的教师周围什么,他们预计做。这些过去的变化在教师的理解和实践中留下了痕迹,特别是课程2005(南非)。DOE,2009,p. 24)。4章试图阐明四学习理论,特别是建构主义理论,涉及到等级R通过游戏学习的重要性计算的实现,包括探索、实验、发现、选择和解决问题是突出了皮亚杰,维果茨基,布鲁纳。然而,在6章的音像磁带转录,表明许多教师不使用这些宝贵的教学策略。这一发现与基线研究报告(南非)相呼应。ECDoE(2008a)规定如下,大部分教室没有展示学习通过积极探索环境发生。孩子们要么玩自己(没有结构化的播放材料),静静地坐着等待,或是“教”1年级的工作,在传统的方式(诵经的她,所以她一次又一次)(第89页)。
Chapter 2 which focussed on the historical and political context of Early Childhood Development in South Africa revealed that Grade R teachers came from different backgrounds with different training experiences. This impacted on their implementation of numeracy. Chapter 3 has described in depth the curriculum policy development and implementation teachers had to implement since 1998. Again, teachers' practice as then, had to make major paradigm shifts in implementing numeracy in their classrooms. With the proposed introduction of, yet another curriculum change, the CAPS (South Africa. Dobe, 2010f) in 2011, Foundation Phase teachers, including Grade R teachers and practitioners, need to make another mind shift regarding the implementation of numeracy in their classrooms. However, the Report of the Task Team for the Review of the Implementation of the National Curriculum Statement (South Africa. DoE, 2009) warns that if teachers do not have a clear understanding of curriculum policy and how curriculum implementation should take place, it cannot then be expected of teachers to implement such a curriculum. It must, however, be recognized that the abundance of change has left many teachers bewildered.Our recent curriculum history has been characterized by radical change within a relatively short period. The result has been a high level of confusion amongst teachers around what they are expected to do. These past changes have left tracks in teachers' current understandings and practice, particular tracks of Curriculum 2005 (South Africa. DoE, 2009, p. 24).Chapter 4 attempts to clarify how four learning theories, and especially constructivism, relate to the implementation of numeracy in Grade R. The importance of learning through play, which includes exploration, experimenting, discovery, making choices and problem-solving was highlighted by Piaget, Vygotsky, and Bruner. However, the transcriptions of the audio-video tapes in Chapter 6, reveal that many teachers are not using these valuable teaching strategies. This finding is echoed by the Baseline Study Report (South Africa. ECDoE, (2008a) which states as follow.The majority of classrooms did not demonstrate learning occurring through active exploration of the environment. Children were either playing by themselves (without structured play materials), sitting waiting quietly, or being 'taught' Grade 1 work in the traditional way (chanting's she si so so' over and over again) (p. 89).

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