
Globalisation is a concept that everyone uses but is a difficult term to define. In general, globalisation refers to the trend toward countries joining together economically, through education, society and politics. Viewing themselves not only through their national identity but also as part of the world as a whole. Within the educational domain it is necessary to understand the effects globalisation may have in shaping policy and practice.The aim of this essay is to examine the impact of globalisation on policy and practice within Post-Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) focusing on the lifelong learning subdivision within PCET. Initially the essay will focus on defining globalisation, once this is established it will be possible to critically analyse its effects on PCET policy and practice. The analysis will attempt to explore examples of change both past and present in order to determine to what degree they reflect an effect of globalisation.The essay will then move to examine lifelong learning within Higher Education (HE) in further detail. It is within this subdivision of PCET that globalisation can be seen to influence the responsive issues of the marketisation and the internationalisation of HE coupled with the concept of a developing knowledge economy. This should provide the foundations for the aspiration of continued enhancement to the provision of lifelong learning in the latter part of the essay.During the investigation it may be necessary to explore other perspectives in order to determine and explain the expanding influences of globalisation within the specific sphere of education.