
艾恩家禽养殖场成立于1981,目前是阿拉伯联合酋长国第1鸡供应公司。它以迄今为止在阿拉伯联合酋长国提供最高质量的肉和蛋而闻名。它致力于向阿拉伯联合酋长国人民提供尽可能好的价格最好的和最健康的鸡。公司一直致力于此事业,并将一如既往地致力于此事业。艾恩家禽养殖场有多种类型的鸡,它们也提供各种各样的鸡蛋。公司总部设在艾恩,销售产品的商店遍布全国各地。其他主要的办公室在阿布扎比和迪拜。所有关键问题由董事长和董事会决定。业务问题、管理工作和财务问题由总经理负责。家禽养殖场正在使用许多技术机器以取得最佳效果。所有这些机器都在技术经理的领导之下。此外,还有许多单独的部门负责销售和维护等主题,还有一个独立的消费者护理部,主要负责销售和销售相关的问题。金融部门在全国范围内划分区域。总经理对公司的日常工作基本负责。(农场A. A.,2010)在过去的二十年里,阿拉伯联合酋长国有了巨大的增长和发展。由于这一点,阿拉伯联合酋长国的家禽部门有了巨大的增长。阿拉伯联合酋长国的饮食习惯发生了很大的变化。超过3 /第四阿拉伯联合酋长国的人口目前居住在城市。在这样的城市地区,鸡产品和其他家禽产品的消费量非常高。曾经有一段时间,大多数鸡蛋和鸡肉制品都是在阿拉伯联合酋长国进口的。90年代中期,阿拉伯联合酋长国的当地生产商终于能够满足该国鸡和家禽的需求。目前几乎没有进口鸡蛋或其他家禽产品。艾恩家禽致力于成为阿拉伯联合酋长国家禽产品的主要供应商,旨在通过提供优质鸡肉及相关产品,增加股东价值,为社会服务。艾恩人民把公共卫生列为第一要务。在艾恩,人们相信通过创新和保持产品质量可以取得成功。艾恩有一支训练有素的检验队伍,确保产品在生产过程中的质量。
Al-Ain Poultry Farm was formed in 1981 and at present it is United Arab Emirates number 1 chicken supplying company. It is famous for providing the highest quality meat and eggs in the United Arab Emirates as of now. It strives to provide the best and the most healthy chicken at the best possible price to the people of United Arab Emirates. The company has always been committed to this cause and they will always continue to be committed to it. Al-Ain Poultry Farms many types of chicken and they are also providing various varieties of eggs. The headquarters of the company is situated in Al-Ain while shops that sell their product are spread all over the country. Other main offices are in Abu-Dhabi and in Dubai. All key issues are decided upon by the chairman and by the board. Operational issues, managerial works and financial issues are take care by the general manager. A lot of technical machines are being used in the poultry farms for the best results. All such machines come under the head technical manager. Moreover there are many individual departments which take care of topics like sales and maintenance etc. There is a separate consumer care department which is also basically responsible for the sales and sales related issues. Financial departments are divided region wise throughout the country. The general manager is basically responsible for day to day working of the company. (farm A. A., 2010).In the last two decades there has been tremendous growth and development in the United Arab Emirates. Due to this there has been tremendous growth in the poultry sector of United Arab Emirates. The eating habit has changed a lot in United Arab Emirates. More than3/4th population of United Arab Emirates is currently residing in urban areas. The consumption of chicken products and other poultry products is very high in such urban areas. There was a time when most eggs and chicken products were imported in the United Arab Emirates. It was somewhere in the mid 90s that local producers of United Arab Emirates were finally able to meet the chicken and poultry requirements of the country. At present there is hardly any import of eggs or any other poultry products. Al Ain poultry aims to be the leading poultry product suppliers in the United Arab Emirates; they aim at increasing their shareholders worth and serving the society by providing high quality chicken and related products. People at Al Ain have made public health their first priority. At Al-Ain it is believed that success can be achieved through innovation and by maintaining quality of products. Al Ain has a highly trained inspection force which ensures the quality of the product is maintained while production.