
I am an instructor in the Adult Special Education Department at Kwantlen Polytechnic University who has an emerging interest in the areas of disability, new technology, and research. I have been involved in a collaborative inquiry on social media use and literacy of students who are considered learning disabled by virtual of their difficulty with print. This paper discusses three aspects of this inquiry: (1) a reflection of my journey as a novice researcher, (2) a literature review, and (3) the preliminary findings from the study.The inquiry process has challenged my assumptions and knowledge about research. Initially I held a negative bias towards qualitative research; I felt that it was somehow "less than". I believed that traditional research methodologies imbedded in statistical models were superior and resulted in "truer" findings. Many factors influenced my thinking; however, I now understand how these factors were rooted in traditional academic culture. Today, I believe research to hold many forms and shapes, and believe qualitative and collaborative approaches are, in fact, effective methods to systematically inquire and share knowledge.I consider myself a novice researcher. Prior to this investigation, my experience conducting systematic research was limited. However, my hope that careful and thoughtful inquiry could provide gateways for meaningful change in Adult Special Education Programming propelled my curiosity. I began thinking critically about conventional approaches used to educate people with disabilities in colleges and universities. At the same time, I became increasingly aware of students' use of technology, specifically social media. This started an exploration of my pedagogical assumptions around teaching and learning, as well as the need to consider alternative educational tools.